Kamis, 19 September 2013

Understanding and Using English Grammar (second edition) Report Book

Hari ini, 19 September 2013, hari dimana perkuliahan Book Reports and Reviews. Semaleman ngerjain Syntax. Yaudah akhirnya bangun tidur langsung bertapa nyari ide. Oke tinggalkan pertapaan, kemaren udah kepikiran mau bikin report novel Animal Farm. Itu novel aku beli tapi ngga kebaca gegara tugas udah kelar sebelum beli buku itu. Gini nih kalo kelompokan sama orang yang pinter. Kita nya jadi bego -_- kasian. Lumutan...
Singkat kata semalem sebelum bomut (bobok imutiisasi) gue udah nyiapin seperangkat alat reporting yaitu handout dua lembar dan novel tidak lupa menggosok gigi (--" ) sempet nyelip handout dua biji itu akhirnya ketemu. Gue sambil ngepoin si George Orwell yg ternyata Democratic bingit. Gue mau jadi kayak dia. Keren, nama ditulis di ratusan bahkan ribuan ribu tugas anak kuliahan -_-
Dia politikus yang kreatif. Gue bakal CONTOH DIA!!
Gue ngelarin tuh report. Gue rasa gue keren karena gue improve kemana2. Tapi, setelah gue kelar dan mulai nyanyi2 selametan gue baca handoutnya lagi dan meyakinkan diri apakah itu udah bener belom. Gue baca lagi. Gue pahami kata demi kata word by word. Dan, gue rasa gue hampir bikin BOOK REVIEW! gue kehilangan arah. Gue kepikiran buat nyimpen tuh novel buat jaga2 siapa tau ntar disuruh bikin book review. Gue ngga rela tuh buku cuma direport. Gue pelit. Akhirnya gue ngelirik buku tebel berwarna pink nista di rak buku gue. Dia senyum2 minta dicolek. Gue jabanin! Yak. Itu dia buku favorite gue. Sesuai dengan anjuran dari Dosen Favorite gue Mr Elyas Nugraha, gue sayang banget sama tuh buku. Asalnya bersampul biru, tapi karena kayak tenda nya Desi Ratnasari akhirnya gue jilid limabelas ribu jadi pink. Itu wujud kasih sayang gue selama ini.
Pas banget si hape bunyi dan ada berita kampret yang mengatakan bahwa kita harus report buku nonfiksi. Iya. Itu sms dari Aweng dan diperkuat oleh Nizar. Baiklah.. Ini jam 9 dan gue kuliah jam 11. Gue bikin!!
Akhirnya dengan menyambi bersih2 kamar, nguras bak mandi, nyapu2, jumput2 sampah, mengepul perasaan, tuh tugas jadi tepat jam 10.16. Gue bergegas mandi dan cussssss... lompat2 ke kampus .--
Gimana hasilnya? Lumayan sih. Bagus. Kata pak hartoyo :)
Alhamdulillaaaah... Kalo kita berusaha berniat dan ikhlas. Kita pasti bisa. Trust me. 

Selma Lady Diana
Book Reports and Reviews

Understanding and Using English Grammar
(second edition) Report

Understanding and Using English Grammar (second edition), by Betty Schrampfer Azar, is a students  textbook about the used of English Grammar for foreign speaker, published by Prentice Hall Regents in 1989.
The book contains changes directed primarily toward clarification of structure presentations in charts and improvements in the exercises. The book structure was designed to accomodate  splitting text into two section, Grammar and Supplementary Grammar Units.
Grammar is explained in ten chapter. They are Verb Tenses, Modal Auxiliaries and Similar Expression, The Passive, Gerunds and Infinitives, Singular and Plural, Adjective Clause, Noun Clauses, Showing Relationships between Ideas, and Conditional Sentence. The text remains a developmental skills text for students of English asa second language or foreign language. The reflection of exercises as  an eclectic approach, not only by effectiveness teaching language  but also the structures simply tend to lend themselves to one approach rather than another.
Every chapter has an introduction, explanation of material, and surely the exercises. The material delivering is one subchapter with diagrams also table to be easier understanding and simply words. The exercises are divided into part by part after explanation per subchapter. The exercises are directed to the listening skills, oral production, writing skills, reading skills, or combination of them. Every chapter contains up to 66 exercises. Error analysis is also given to measure the understanding of students in the last of chapter.
Supplementary Grammar Units is the detail information about part of speech and basic structure such as questions and negatives. There are three chapter in this section, Supplemental Grammar Units, Preposition Combination, and Guide for Correcting Writing Error. Every appendix consists of some units that formed like the section before, exercises after its material.
The explanation of the book is easily understood. The context is not being wordy, so simple. Using tables and charts stimulate to think logically and get the meaning easier with the way of ourself. Some of exercises have a straightforward, controlled concentration on form and meaning. The other are followed by more complicated and challenging exercises. It is a creative and realistic exercise in daily life activities including to improve vocabularies. The book is completely simple grammar textbook. Therefore, Understanding and Using English Grammar (second edition), by Betty Schrampfer Azar is my recommendation for students who want to understand grammar easily.(selma)

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