Jumat, 20 September 2013

Poems -_-

An African Elegy

In the groves of Africa from their natural wonder   
the wildebeest, zebra, the okapi, the elephant,   
have enterd the marvelous. No greater marvelous   
know I than the mind’s
natural jungle. The wives of the Congo   
distil there their red and the husbands
hunt lion with spear and paint Death-spore
on their shields, wear his teeth, claws and hair   
on ordinary occasions. There the Swahili   
open his doors, let loose thru the trees   
the tides of Death’s sound and distil
from their leaves the terrible red. He
is the consort of dreams I have seen, heard   
in the orchestral dark
like the barking of dogs.

Death is the dog-headed man zebra striped
and surrounded by silence who walks like a lion,   
who is black. It was his voice crying come back,   
that Virginia Woolf heard, turnd
her fine skull, hounded and haunted, stopt,   
pointed into the scent where
I see her in willows, in fog, at the river of sound   
in the trees. I see her prepare there
to enter Death’s mountains
like a white Afghan hound pass into the forest,   
closed after, let loose in the leaves
with more grace than a hound and more wonder there   
even with flowers wound in her hair, allowing herself   
like Ophelia a last
pastoral gesture of love toward the world.   
          And I see
all our tortures absolved in the fog,
dispersed in Death’s forests, forgotten. I see   
all this gentleness like a hound in the water
float upward and outward beyond my dark hand.

I am waiting this winter for the more complete black-out,   
for the negro armies in the eucalyptus, for the cities   
laid open and the cold in the love-light, for hounds   
women and birds to go back to their forests and leave us   
our solitude.
.   .   .

Negroes, negroes, all those princes,
holding cups of rhinoceros bone, make
magic with my blood. Where beautiful Marijuana   
towers taller than the eucalyptus, turns
within the lips of night and falls,
falls downward, where as giant Kings we gathered
and devourd her burning hands and feet, O Moonbar   
thee and Clarinet! those talismans
that quickened in their sheltering leaves like thieves,   
those Negroes, all those princes
holding to their mouths like Death
the cups of rhino bone,
were there to burn my hands and feet,
divine the limit of the bone and with their magic   
tie and twist me like a rope. I know
no other continent of Africa more dark than this   
dark continent of my breast.

         And when we are deserted there,
when the rustling electric has passt thru the air,   
once more we begin in the blind and blood throat   
the African catches; and Desdemona, Desdemona   
like a demon wails within our bodies, warns   
against this towering Moor of self and then   
laments her passing from him.

And I cry, Hear!
Hear in the coild and secretive ear
the drums that I hear beat. The Negroes, all those princes   
holding cups of bone and horn, are there in halls   
of blood that I call forests, in the dark   
and shining caverns where
beats heart and pulses brain, in
jungles of my body, there
Othello moves, striped black and white,   
the dog-faced fear. Moves I, I, I,
whom I have seen as black as Orpheus,
pursued deliriously his sound and drownd   
in hunger’s tone, the deepest wilderness.

Then it was I, Death singing,
who bewildered the forest. I thot him
my lover like a hound of great purity
disturbing the shadow and flesh of the jungle.   
This was the beginning of the ending year.
From all of the empty the tortured appear,
and the bird-faced children crawl out of their fathers   
and into that never filld pocket,
the no longer asking but silent, seeing nowhere   
the final sleep.

The halls of Africa we seek in dreams
as barriers of dream against the deep, and seas
disturbd turn back upon their tides
into the rooms deserted at the roots of love.   
There is no end. And how sad then   
is even the Congo. How the tired sirens
come up from the water, not to be toucht   
but to lie on the rocks of the thunder.   
How sad then is even the marvelous!
Robert Duncan, “An African Elegy” from The Years as Catches: First Poems 1939-1946 (Berkeley: Oyez, 1966). Used with the permission of The Estate of Robert Duncan.

Source: The Years as Catches: First Poems 1939-1946 (1966)

Kamis, 19 September 2013

Understanding and Using English Grammar (second edition) Report Book

Hari ini, 19 September 2013, hari dimana perkuliahan Book Reports and Reviews. Semaleman ngerjain Syntax. Yaudah akhirnya bangun tidur langsung bertapa nyari ide. Oke tinggalkan pertapaan, kemaren udah kepikiran mau bikin report novel Animal Farm. Itu novel aku beli tapi ngga kebaca gegara tugas udah kelar sebelum beli buku itu. Gini nih kalo kelompokan sama orang yang pinter. Kita nya jadi bego -_- kasian. Lumutan...
Singkat kata semalem sebelum bomut (bobok imutiisasi) gue udah nyiapin seperangkat alat reporting yaitu handout dua lembar dan novel tidak lupa menggosok gigi (--" ) sempet nyelip handout dua biji itu akhirnya ketemu. Gue sambil ngepoin si George Orwell yg ternyata Democratic bingit. Gue mau jadi kayak dia. Keren, nama ditulis di ratusan bahkan ribuan ribu tugas anak kuliahan -_-
Dia politikus yang kreatif. Gue bakal CONTOH DIA!!
Gue ngelarin tuh report. Gue rasa gue keren karena gue improve kemana2. Tapi, setelah gue kelar dan mulai nyanyi2 selametan gue baca handoutnya lagi dan meyakinkan diri apakah itu udah bener belom. Gue baca lagi. Gue pahami kata demi kata word by word. Dan, gue rasa gue hampir bikin BOOK REVIEW! gue kehilangan arah. Gue kepikiran buat nyimpen tuh novel buat jaga2 siapa tau ntar disuruh bikin book review. Gue ngga rela tuh buku cuma direport. Gue pelit. Akhirnya gue ngelirik buku tebel berwarna pink nista di rak buku gue. Dia senyum2 minta dicolek. Gue jabanin! Yak. Itu dia buku favorite gue. Sesuai dengan anjuran dari Dosen Favorite gue Mr Elyas Nugraha, gue sayang banget sama tuh buku. Asalnya bersampul biru, tapi karena kayak tenda nya Desi Ratnasari akhirnya gue jilid limabelas ribu jadi pink. Itu wujud kasih sayang gue selama ini.
Pas banget si hape bunyi dan ada berita kampret yang mengatakan bahwa kita harus report buku nonfiksi. Iya. Itu sms dari Aweng dan diperkuat oleh Nizar. Baiklah.. Ini jam 9 dan gue kuliah jam 11. Gue bikin!!
Akhirnya dengan menyambi bersih2 kamar, nguras bak mandi, nyapu2, jumput2 sampah, mengepul perasaan, tuh tugas jadi tepat jam 10.16. Gue bergegas mandi dan cussssss... lompat2 ke kampus .--
Gimana hasilnya? Lumayan sih. Bagus. Kata pak hartoyo :)
Alhamdulillaaaah... Kalo kita berusaha berniat dan ikhlas. Kita pasti bisa. Trust me. 

Selma Lady Diana
Book Reports and Reviews

Understanding and Using English Grammar
(second edition) Report

Understanding and Using English Grammar (second edition), by Betty Schrampfer Azar, is a students  textbook about the used of English Grammar for foreign speaker, published by Prentice Hall Regents in 1989.
The book contains changes directed primarily toward clarification of structure presentations in charts and improvements in the exercises. The book structure was designed to accomodate  splitting text into two section, Grammar and Supplementary Grammar Units.
Grammar is explained in ten chapter. They are Verb Tenses, Modal Auxiliaries and Similar Expression, The Passive, Gerunds and Infinitives, Singular and Plural, Adjective Clause, Noun Clauses, Showing Relationships between Ideas, and Conditional Sentence. The text remains a developmental skills text for students of English asa second language or foreign language. The reflection of exercises as  an eclectic approach, not only by effectiveness teaching language  but also the structures simply tend to lend themselves to one approach rather than another.
Every chapter has an introduction, explanation of material, and surely the exercises. The material delivering is one subchapter with diagrams also table to be easier understanding and simply words. The exercises are divided into part by part after explanation per subchapter. The exercises are directed to the listening skills, oral production, writing skills, reading skills, or combination of them. Every chapter contains up to 66 exercises. Error analysis is also given to measure the understanding of students in the last of chapter.
Supplementary Grammar Units is the detail information about part of speech and basic structure such as questions and negatives. There are three chapter in this section, Supplemental Grammar Units, Preposition Combination, and Guide for Correcting Writing Error. Every appendix consists of some units that formed like the section before, exercises after its material.
The explanation of the book is easily understood. The context is not being wordy, so simple. Using tables and charts stimulate to think logically and get the meaning easier with the way of ourself. Some of exercises have a straightforward, controlled concentration on form and meaning. The other are followed by more complicated and challenging exercises. It is a creative and realistic exercise in daily life activities including to improve vocabularies. The book is completely simple grammar textbook. Therefore, Understanding and Using English Grammar (second edition), by Betty Schrampfer Azar is my recommendation for students who want to understand grammar easily.(selma)

Selasa, 17 September 2013


Ngantuk -_-
tapi hidup ini nggabisa ditinggal istirahat.
capek ....
aku nggatau semua ini kenapa ada apa dan mengapa. aku kalut. bingung.
aku harus apa. I don't know what to do.
I don't have anything to be pride, but I have to stay. it is funny.

Forgetting when I wrote this down -_-

Hello my blog my best friend ever
I wanna tell you about my line, my best line maybe. Haha I wish I had one more happiness.. more and more. You know that I started my life with a sadness. It was a dark prior times ever. Thankful for God blessed us to make me and my family stronger. As you know, I have a better life. Better point of view to do something.
Many other thought that those period was so hard. I considered different, without  this pain I would not to be like this. I would not being a wonder girl, I guessed. So I would like to say big thanks for my grandparents from my mother, my sister of them, their children, and so on.
In my life, I perceived having just some family. My father’s parents, and grandmother’s of my mom. Not at all. I am not trust everyone. Yet I am a positive thinker. Life is always realistic. You had a past, you must be better. You dont need believing everyone had hurted you. They act a good attitude? You have to trustme. It is bullshit. A pretty bullshit.
I forgive them, that doesnt mean I forgot everything. I behave good with them, just not respect. I dont believe in a big quantity.
That is why, I always try to forget every past memories. In my deepest said that every past is pain. So if I wanna be happy, I have to remove all of em. Sadly.
I grew up in the great loving family. My charming dad, my wonder mother, and sure my cute twinbrother. I devoted myself to be their pride. I promise. They are awesome. I want to stay be sweet child of them ever after. I will be missing the way my dad and my mom give me more care when I don’t wanna eat anymore. I will be missing when my brother look after his beautiful sister. Haha what a tremendous perioud. I will cry loudly someday, or scream instead.
If you forced me to tell about my past, I can’t do anymore. I dont wanna be crying whatsoever. I am used to be a tough like a rock. I believe if you asked the rock which water make him fragile, the rock will kill the water as soon as possible.
That is true if sadness had a big influence to the degree of life quality. Human never be happpy ever after. It has been written and said. When will I die, I born, I laugh, I cry. It is decided.
It is being connected to be the basic of life, anyway. Haha
God prepares my best life. My superbright future. The Fabulous Destiny is gonna be with me. Sad or Happy, it is subjective where you get the point ;D
Thank you my Lord.

Kamis, 12 September 2013

Hortatory Exposition

Plastic Bags Reduction for The Environtment

The Global Warming makes peopple getting crazy to live in. Seasons becomes unpredictable in the  entire of the world. The Environment is felt as unfriendy for the coming of disasters one after another. What can we do to save our planet? The simple way to help the environtment  by reducing waste especially the undegradable litter like plastic bags.
Plastic bags is claimed to be degradated between 45 until 1000 years. So, will the litters stay in that period? In fact, it still be in debate how long plastic bags degradated. Some experts even said that it might be take no longer than waiting for the doomsday. It grows stadily, but no reduction instead. Thats why plastic bags build a huge environmental pollution.
There is a big risk whether we pack food especially the hot food with plastic bags. It is very dangerous since its unconcrete substaince melted then mixed within the food. Plastic bags also pollute the food chain as its wasted in everywhere and destroyed the enviromental equilibrium. The undegradable litter poisons the soil, the water, and also the air.
It is needed 430.000 gallons of oil to produce 100 million to 5 trillion nondegradable bags worldwide. The number of plastic bags are produced and discarded anually. The lifestyle requires  the most simple way to do also the cheapest one. Using plastic bags is a great idea but becoming worst for the future.
Recycling is easier cared for environment, it also make an economically enviable. Unfortunatelly, it is almost impossible for trillion plastic bags to be recycled. Burning plastic bags results the pollution in air and the toxic ash. Burying plastic bags destroys the soil content. Discarding plastic bags also pollute our rivers and oceans. At present, there  are no technological method or resources available to decrease and recycle the undegradable litter unfortunately.
Reducing the use of plastic bags is more than just a good idea. Moreover, it can do with having a reusable, washable and durable cloth bags and take them with you when you go shopping. We should reuse our plastic bags and do not try to make it ripped. Let us cut the used of plastic bags for helping the environtment and loving our planet. 

Analitical Exposition

Is Having Girlfriend/Boyfriend  Good for Teenagers?

At present, it is common if teenagers have a special relationship. They do love each other, care each other, and act like in couple. In different way, every teenager is undergoing the same case in relationship also the same condition especially physical and mental. Although relationship is concerned with feeling, it is better to look at the logical view.
Teenager is the period that human confuse with theirself. It makes an unstable condition in everything even relationship. Instead of adult, teenagers is more difficult to be understood. They do not know which is right or wrong, bad or good, white or black, etc. This is a dangerous system in life. Their physical and mental development change rapidly moreover their mood. So, this case makes them difficult for deciding something in this period. When they had a broken line, their mental will be made a wager. They can do the stupid thing easily. Hurting each other for example.
As we know, special relationship is an interpersonal relationship of romantic feelings that involves physical or emotional intimacy, also sexual attraction between  people such as  liking and loving. In relationship, they feel need for belonging also need to be cared for. The dangerous thing is whether in relationship, teenagers give full of their heart with a gambling situation. It is not good for their mental development as if  get a broken heart. For their psicho, love is good but not in  that situation. In teenagers relationship, otherwise, they have to be ready to go or stop in hurt or do thing that is none of teenagers business.
Eventhough do special relationship for teenagers is  good for motivating themselves or even destroying, it will be bad if the relation is over. It is difficult to maintain the relation in teenagers. So, we have to deciding whether having relationship is good for teenagers or not. 



Entah Proudly atau Sadly, gue mengakui kalo gue Chiters. Apa itu chiters? Buat kalian yang ngga tau aku kasih tau deh, padahal aku aja barusan tau istilahnya dari  iseng2 analisis2 artikel. hahaha Oke Chiters itu sebutan bagi Haters nya Cherrybelle. Nah! Itu gue. Gue salah satunya.
Tersebutlah dulu gue suka banget sama cherrybelle. Mereka cantik2, unyu2, kecuali Felly. Felly di video klip kayak bocah. Maksa banget. Suaranya juga nggaenak didenger, kayak dibuat2 diimut2in. Aku suka Anisa dama Ryn. Cantik :D Apalagi gaya2 berpakaian mereka unyu2 gituu deh... pita2 pink2 ungu2  renda2 kan aku banget tuh :3
Petaka itu datang ketika aku lagi nonton TV dan ngerasa bosen banget sama FTV yang itu2 aja. FTV merusak otak kita. Otak jomblo tepatnya. Iseng aku random channelnya dan mantengin AnTV. Disitu aku senyum2 sendiri terus kaget terus  pengen nabokin TV. Ada apakah gerangan?
Yak! Ada acara Chibi Chibi Burger. Gue awalnya seneng deh liat mereka unyu2 gitu. Lama2 kok ada yang janggal. Mereka IDIOT. Waktu itu mereka ceritanya lagi mentasin drama Bawang Merah Bawang Putih, Anisa jadi bawang putih. Tapi -_- kelakuan mereka ngelebihin anak balita. Gue langsung inget, Anisa kelahiran 91 dan otomatis umurnya lebih dari 20 tahun. Begitu pula yang lain. What The FUCK. Gue kecewa. Gue depresi. Akhirnya gue sadar dan gue illfeel. Gue matiin TV.
Itu adalah hari dimana gue sadar bahwa gue selama ini salah. Gue selalu seneng liat Cherrybelle di TV walaupun gue tau, mereka lebih sering lipsync tapi gue ngerti. Dan mulai saat itu gue gak suka. Gue jijik. Childish mereka ngga manusiawi. Mereka satu spesies kayak Felly.
Satu lagi pas gue lagi nonton acara favorite gue, infotainment. Tiba2 ngebahas backstage nya CherryBelle pas mau manggung di Pati. Kelakuan mereka.. Naudzubillah. Bukannya ngegemesin tapi malah bikin illfeel. Satu dua childish wajar. Tapi ini semuanya. Mereka pasti NGGA NORMAL. Tapi gue ngga memungkiri kok kalo mereka cantik. Miris lagi pas itu anggota yang Devi dan Wenda masih eksis dan berusia 24 tahun. Gile aje -_-
Hal lain yang gue bikin kesel itu mereka ikut2an SNSD! Semua tau gue gila SNSD. Jessica, Hyoon A, Tae cyeon, So Yoong, Yuri, Tiffany, Hwo Young, Sunny
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkk pokoknya itu. Jadi kesimpulannya kenapa gue Chiters:
  1. Hampir selalu Lipsync
  2. Over Childish
  3. Plagiat SNSD



Tiga alasan sudah cukup untuk meruntuhkan rasa suka -_-
  1. Lipsync
Dapat diterima penyanyi melakukan lipsync dengan beberapa alasan yaitu ...... namun sangat tidak wajar jika hampir 97% penampilannya lipsync. Di China bahkan menyanyi dengan metode lipsinc dilarang karena dianggap sebagai salah satu tindakan kriminal yaitu penipuan. Wajar kalo girlband asal China kurang tenar. Jika di Korea Selatan, bagi penggila Korea pasti tahu jika untuk menjadi seorang artis di Korsel merupakan hal yang sangat sulit. Sekolah tinggi art and music dan training di waktu yang sangat lama menghasilkan artis yang kemampuannya tidak diragukan lagi. Karena sulitnya, penghargaan mereka sebagai artis dan komitmen yang sangat kuat pun dihasilkan. Hampir semua artis di Korea Selatan menikah setelah usia 35 tahun. Hwo Yoong SNSD menjadi Trainer selama 7 tahun sebelum masuk menjadi anggota SNSD. Jika di Indonesia kebanyakan penyanyi atau artis diambil dari kompetisi-kompetisi instan, tidak bagi Korea Selatan. Maka dari itu, kemampuan sangat dihormati daripada penampilan. Penampilan bisa diperbaiki dengan operasi plastik sedangkan bakat dan kemampuan tidak dapat dibeli oleh uang.