Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Electrical Engineering Alumny succees in Marketing

Field of study determination regards as an ending of career.  Someone who takes education program is considered to be teacher, law faculty to be lawyer, and nursing academy gonna be nurse, etc. We looped at that statement for years. But how if the engineer becomes a markeeter which is two totally different world, financial and engineering. Mr Sunardi apparently gives the evidence that he can do what looks impossible. He graduated from Pembangunan Vocational School mastering Electrical Engineering and now he is a marketing manager assistant in one of BUMN. How can? Lets see.
            Studying in Electronic Engineering was not his desire. He wanted to be a Teaching School student but rejected. At that time, there was only Special Skill Middle School registration still opened. He declared himself to continue study and did not want to me a farmer like others. He has to change his life whatever people said. Many people speculate farmer's child will be a farmer too. Every day Mr Sunardi went to school by riding a bicycle for two hours.
            After graduated, Mr Sunardi applied to all vacancies. He did not select it by requirement but if it was a job, he applied. At that time, he said, getting a job is really hard. He had ever worked at medicinal herbs company as sales and shaver in barber shop. Fortunately he was a persistant job seeker, and accepted in one of Indonesian BUMN, Perhutani.
            Once he got the job, he was a planting supervisor. I did not take many years he was pulled to be personal driver of the manager. As the chauffeur, he worked on open space. It was little difficult when he positioned in office. He spent eight years becoming chauffeur and he had to learn all about administration. Mr Sunardi learned it deeper in Forest Products Administration Basic Training, he got 28 rank of 34 people. He just started to learn.
            A year in administration, Mr Sunardi learned leadership on Leadership Course I of Perhutani in Madiun. It was changed his life. Before he was being busy with production and he turned to marketing. He followed what his company wanted. It might be the company considered he is able to do it. In Production, it was about planting and safety of product. Additionally, in marketing, it should run the company policy to look for potential customers. Both of them having their easiness and difficulties. He officially moved to Marketing Division.
            First career in Marketing, he was the head of Wood Hoarding Place (TPK) Karangjati, Semarang, under Tegal Business Independent Unit (KBM). Then being in succession; KTPK Bejen Temanggung, KTPK Gambilangu Kendal, KTPK Cimanggu Cilacap, Asper KTPK Banjarharjo Brebes, Asman Pati Mantingan Rembang KBM Sar Kayu Cepu, Asman Cepu and Asman Randublatung.
            Supporting his career, Mr Sunardi keep learning like joining some courses from the company. After Leadership I Course, he took Round and Sawed Wood Examiner Course KBM, Leadership II Course, and Leadership II. All courses were held in Madiun Human Resources Training and Educational Center.
            The electrical engineering alumny now is a Manager Assistant in Randublatung. Obviously, there are ups and downs in marketing. The high is when the wood is sold out and the customers struggle to buy. Contrary the low, if there is few customers, it needs extra energy to look for new market. The income when it is quite is in 0-300 million Rupiah per day. On the other hand, in crowded market, the income can be 300 million to 7 billion Rupiah per day. It was company's income for his area, of course.
            As a farmer child, Mr Sunardi also farms in his village, Rejosari, Grobogan. Moreover, the rice field was arranged by his parents because his wife and children is in Kedungjati, Grobogan. Both are in one area but quite far, it takes two hours. Thus, he managed as well as possible to keep it up.
            Mr Sunardi also gives his recipes how to success; they are wholeheartedness, persistence, skillfullness, and loyalty. When we doing something in earnestness, the result will be more than you expected.

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